Personal Security Vulnerability Assessment

Personal security shouldn’t be a one-size-fits-all solution. Rather, protective services should be developed to fit each individual and their needs. To determine what security methodology and components will work best for your unique situation, Abila Security performs an in-depth and comprehensive evaluation to assess the personal security of an individual, their family, and their home. Some of the things we’ll discuss during the Personal Security Vulnerability Assessment (PSVA) include:

  • Emergency procedures and duress codes
  • Agent responsibilities
  • Confidentiality
  • Medical issues
  • Operational schedules
  • Evacuation planning

From there we create a personalized solution that’s tailored to our client’s needs and desires. As a part of the assessment, our professional security consultants will personally interview key individuals of your family and physically inspect the relevant areas of your home for any threats. This briefing opens a dialog with our team and enables our clients to voice their questions and concerns in an open forum. We want our clients to feel comfortable coming to us with any problems knowing that our security consultants can handle any issues quickly and discretely.